After leaving Samburu National Reserve en route to Meru National Park, we stopped over for a night at a private lodge called Lion’s Cave perched on cliffs over the same river we had been camping on, the Ewaso Nyiro River, but much farther downriver. Nancy and I camped in the Green Dragon on a bare patch of ground – nothing else desirable about the spot other than it was flat – while the rest of the gang stayed in tented platforms with beds, attached showers and toilets. Nancy and I went rustic instead, since the Green Dragon is quite comfortable for sleeping, and had a footpath down to a semi-permanent shower/toilet.

Most of our time was spent in the restaurant/lounge overlooking the gorge and river, so the Green Dragon was really just for sleeping. We also splurged and had dinner and breakfast at the lodge.

Here’s the view from the restaurant/lounge of the cascades through the gorge and the lodge swimming pool that was inundated by roughly 15 feet of water during the massive flooding this year. Can you imagine this gorge with water raging at the level of the vegetation on the opposite bank?

Caitlin even dressed up for my father’s day and we took some father’s day photos down along the river in the gorge:

For you reptile lovers, here is a photo of a Kenyan rock agama that reminded us of our beloved Collared lizard back home in Colorado and an African five-lined skink:

And lastly, for the cultural lovers, here is a photo of a new thatched-roof banda under construction at the lodge, but I am not confident in the load-bearing capacity of this roof with no trusses, and Caitlin with a local in tradional Samburu warrior dress:

Wonderful pictures! Happy Father’s Day!
That must have been scary when the area was flooding!
Love to all. Xoxo
Hey Cuz. Thanks for the father’s day wishes. Yes, the flooding must have been a nightmare for the folks in the affected area. It’s over now but recovery happens slow or not at all. Cheers for now.
Sounds like you had a relaxing Father’s Day. Happy belated Father’s Day by one. Good to just relax once in a while. Loved all the family photos too. You read my email!
I spent Father’s Day with Brian as his children were busy. They will take him out to eat during the week.
We walked the hills of the graveyard, and I planted some more plants at the grave site.
Then went up to the monument which is now open for the summer. A friend of mine had a Farm Day at her house for the public with Tia food. We ended there. Made a day of it and had a nice time. He just got back from his trip to Canada. I was missing my walking Budy.
Sean’s coming up Sat for a week. Donna for an overnight on Monday and the 4 of us (Brian, Donna, Sean and myself) will visit Ellen and take her out for Mexican dinner Mon. night. Wish you all could be part of our mini family reunion.
All else is great!! Getting hotter and a more humid each day here (BLAH! for the humidity).
Nothing like where you’re at I’m sure.
Love to all, hugs and kisses.
Sis, so glad you had a great father’s day and very sorry we will miss the partial family reunion. How did you ever get Sean to commit a whole week??? Wow! Have been reading about the heat wave in the northeast, yikes. Glad not to be there as I don’t do well in hot and humid weather. Cheers for now.
The trip looks greast so far!
Yup, so far so good!
Happy Father’s Day, Uncle Kevin! Love the lizards, Samburu warrior, and Caitlin’s dress : ) Catching up on your older posts now.
Hi Lori. Thanks for the wishes and glad to have you following along. Cheers.
Your beloved blue collared lizard has some competition for best color and pattern . And Caitlin looks beautiful in her pretty dress
Agreed, although our collared lizard back home is in a close race for best color and pattern!