For our second campgound in Moremi we moved about 20 km north to Xakanaxa. This was a truly spectacular site and setting, with several large shade trees providing ample shade over our site which was situated on a narrow strip of upland between the extensive delta marsh system on one side and a wetland/grassland complex on the other side, as these photos depict:

To get to Xakanaxa, however, we had to cross over 3rd bridge and then 4th bridge:

We did a number of wildlife drives from our campsite which took us through some beautiful and varied settings and resulted in some nice wildlife sightings (see photo gallery below), but none were quite as “productive” as just sitting in our campsite and letting the wildlife come to us. In the composite video below you will see a few of these lounge-chair observations, including an exciting close-encounter with a bull elephant, but read on after the video for an epilogue.
Xakanaxa composite video (11 minutes)
OK, that was fun! Now, what is NOT shown in the video is this: The bull elephant starring in the video above came back a little while later and gave us a little scare. We were all relaxing in our lounge chairs – although Mark was drawing at the table – and the bull came back to our site. He circled around the back of the Green Dragon, which we deemed a safe distance and, moreover, we had a solid object between us and this several-ton animal. Nancy and I were in our lounge chairs watching the bull walk by about 20-30 feet away on the other side of a large tree after he had cleared the Green Dragon, when suddenly he turned and came straight at us. I started to get out of my chair with the intent to bolt if he kept on coming, while Nancy remained seated with one leg drapped over the arm of the chair (what the hell was she thinking?), when I decided that it was too late to vacate the chair and risk riling this huge animal, so I just froze. Needless-to-say, it was a very, very tense several seconds – which seemed like eternity at the time – in which my underwear needed washing afterwards. To my good fortune – since I am still here writing this blog – the bull stopped about 6 feet from me, flared his ears and kicked the ground, just to let me and the others know that HE was the boss here. We don’t think he was feeling threatened by us; rather, he just want to reassure his physical superiority – which he did with distinction. Now, you don’t get that kind of adrenaline rush from watching elephants on TV.
A few extra Skylar videos of some baby animals (4 minutes)
From the Wildside:

Photo Gallery:

Wow that elephant in your campsite!!! I can’t believe how calm you all were. So glad it decided you weren’t a threat. Very cool
yes indeed, a cool head is critical!
Six feet from an elephant! Holy crap, Kevin! That is a memorable event!
Thanks for the pictures of the birds. It was fun for me to look them up in my field guides. Brings back fond memories also. “Doves are birds too!”
I was looking at my 2 field guide books and noticed that there is a coverage gap between the two. Zambia, Malawi, and the northern half of Mozambique are not covered. Did you buy a guide book to cover that area or will you rely on “Birds of Southern Africa” and “Birds of East Africa”?
Glad you have Nancy’s and Mark and Kirsten’s company too. So much fun!
I think I will rely on the birds of southern and eastern Africa since I doubt there are any birds endemic to Zambia. Yes, it has been loads of fun and lots of really awesome wildlife observations and a few very exciting ones. Cheers. More birds coming.
Wow, I can’t believe the amount of wild life all around you. That elephant was a little too close for my likings. Thank God he didn’t charge a you all.
Again, great videos and pictures.
Cont to have a great time XXXXOOOO. One for each of you.
Love Joan
Remember, my videos highlight the wildlife sitings but we do spend some time driving around not seeing too much also. However, yes, there is a lot of wildlife around and it is very exciting. I will pass on the hugs and kisses. Love ya.
Amazing photos and elephant videos! What a life moment and scary to boot!
Well Fun! But a little scary that he came back and that you need to do laundry now.

. Love seeing Mark and Kirsten and Nancy with you! I’m sure you are all having a great time ! Cheers! 

yes, it is great to have Mark and Kirsten with us for a month. Love from Africa.
Wow that was so cool to see that elephant walk thru the campsite!!
Indeed, and I have a couple more to show you since that event! Wish you were here bro!!!
Incredible video ! Hi Sis! So nice to see You and Mark and Kirsten Lucky all of you. The amount of wildlife migrating through your lovely campground. Kevin you’re a great commentator .
Just enjoying these immensely.
thanks sister. would love to get you here someday to experience it yourself!?????? Love from Nancy and I.
OMG Kevin! What incredible footage! That bull elephant was amazing, as well as nerve wracking! And yes, LOVED those warthogs! What a trip you all are having, and so awesome to be able to live it with you through your photos, videos and writings….thank you so much for sharing all your adventures and sightings, and pants messing encounters, YIKES!! Happy to see Nancy too, please give her a big hug for me! Carry on!
glad you are having fun along with us. been great so far with lots of exciting wildlife experiences. you would absolutely love it!!! hi to the whole gang. cheers.
Well, thank whoever, that the bull stopped. I got a little adrenaline rush just reading it. Such an adventure!
Indeed, and we have had a couple of other close encounters since that post, but none that resulted in laundry. love from Africa.