July 22-23: Departure Blues

Nancy and I said goodbye to Mana Pools National Park and Zimbabwe with sadness since we really loved our visit to the country and its wonderful Parks and people. Our first stop was the border post with Zambia at Chirundu. Fortunately, we engaged a helper and there was almost no one else in the queue so the process went relatively quickly; i.e., 1.5 hours. However, the process to get through this one-stop border post (i.e., leave Zimbabwe and enter Zambia) was the most convoluted and complex process imaginable, and one that we would never have been able to navigate ourselves. In and out of several offices, back and forth between customs and who knows what other offices, stamping this and that, paying this and that, and all done in a whirlwind frenzy. At one point they didn’t want to let us leave Zimbabwe because we didn’t have a police authorized and notorized declaration form stating the vehicle was not stolen. After about 20 minutes of pleading my case they relented and stamped me through that step of the process, but it was touch and go for a minute and I wasn’t sure if they were just trying to get me to pay a bribe or not so I just kept on pleading my case until they agreed. Apparently, this is the worse border crossing in all of southern Africa – who would have known.

After the “crossing” we stopped at Chita Lodge just outside the town/city of Kafue about 1 hour south of Lusaka. The Lodge offered camping on the Kafue River front and seemed like it would be a sweet spot to rest up before Nancy’s departure from Luska. Well, turned out my research on this place wasn’t too accurate and informative. What could have been a really sweet place turned out to be a wild and raucous hang out for the local affluent 20-30 year olds and the ablutions were crap (i.e., no hot water, no water at all in the morning, dirty and smelly). Partying went on until 11:00 pm. Needlesstosay, we didn’t get the nice nights sleep we desired. I’m very sorry I subjected Nancy to this on her last night. Argh!

It was a very sad goodbye to Nancy in Lusaka as she departed Africa and headed home to Colorado. She is my ultimate and perfect travel companion and made everything more special. I’m very sad to see her go. But, the journey must continue.

I ended up finding a very sweet lodge and campground just outside Lusaka for the night (Pioneer Lodge) and had the entire place to myself. Beautiful setting, hot clean showers and ablutions, attractive open air dinning and lounge area, and gardens, and all for $12 USD! Laundry service, dinner (butternut squash soup), and a hand-made tote bag (for carrying stuff) all for $35 USD. Nice deal!

Lusaka Pioneer Lodge campsite
Lusaka Pioneer Lodge (campsite) grounds

After a few shopping chores in Lusaka, I am off to the relatively remote and poorly visited Lochinvar National Park for a couple nights. Don’t know what kind of wifi service I will have, so I’ll be back online with the next episode when I can. Cheers.

12 thoughts on “July 22-23: Departure Blues”

  1. Sorry to see Nancy go home. I know it’s nice to have a compatible travel companion as well as your best friend and wife. I am glad you will be able to see Mark and Kirsten again before you leave. They must just be getting back from the states when you see them.
    Again, have fun on this next adventure and try not to go too far off the beaten path with the green dragon.
    Look forward to your blogs. XXOO Sister Joan

    1. Yes, very sad to see Nancy leave. Looking forward to meeting up with Mark and Kirsten in September in Kenya. They get back to Kenya in early August. Can’t promise not to stray off the beaten path as I am writing this reply in a very remote Park that that took a very long time to get here. More on that in my next post. Love ya.

  2. We are looking forward to seeing Nancy again in Colorado but, I know you will miss her company on your continued adventures.
    I am loving all of your detailed descriptions of people, animals, landscape, vehicles, and campsites.

    1. Yes, very sad indeed. We had a great time and it feels wierd without her. Glad you are enjoying the blog; it makes it worth the effort. Keep Nancy entertained for me until I return. Hope all is well with Bill. Cheers.

  3. Ugh. Was wondering when Nancy was heading home. Now I know. Sorry that your best travel companion (how sweet) had to leave. I wish she was still there with you too! Be safe. We love you.

  4. I so enjoy both the travel blog and videos and the personal side as well. You have so much time to think or sit in the quiet. I am honored to follow your travels and reflections. PaulH

    1. Thanks Paul, it’s so nice to hear that you are enjoying the posts, almost as much as me living them. Yes, never had so much down/quiet time to just sit back and watch nature with nothing else to do. Cheers.

  5. Hey Kevin! Glad you were able to find some better lodging the second night in Lusaka. Excited to hear about Lochinvar!

    1. Hey there stranger, I didn’t know you were actually following my progress. Lochinvar was fun on the flats but otherwise a bust, so probably not a place I would return to given how difficult it was to get there. Hope all is well. Cheers.

      1. Yeah it’s been a busy couple of months for me but I’m trying to get caught up on your adventures now. Yeah that’s understandable after hearing about all the gypsum trucks, cattle, and lack of overall wildlife.

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