Welcome to South Africa

As you are probably already aware (if you read my previous posts), my 1st country on this overland trip is South Africa (SA). Before I begin my overland journey through the inland of SA it is worth sharing a few factoids about this country to put things in better context and to educate myself (and you, if needed) a little about this corner of the world. Sorry if this seems a bit like school, but I want to share a little of what I learned from my research; hopefully you will find it as interesting as I do.

  • As you can see in the map above, SA is the southern-most country in Africa, located between the latitudes 22-33 degrees south, which in terms of distance from the equator is the southern hemisphere equivalent to, say, Florida in the northern hemisphere.
  • Roughly 3 times the size of Texas.
  • Roughly 60 million people, compared to ~332 million in the U.S..
  • 11 official languages (yikes), including Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho, Xhosa, Zulu, Southern Sotho, Setswana (Tswana), Tsonga, Venda, Swati, Ndebele.
  • Government is a parliamentary republic with executive, legislative and judicial branches, much like the U.S., except that the legislative branch is a parliament consisting of the National Assembly (similar in many, but not all, ways to the U.S. House of Representatives) and the National Council of Provinces (similar in many, but not all, ways to the U.S. Senate), and the president is elected by the Parliament (not directly by the people, as in the U.S.).
  • Currency is the Rand.
  • Major exports include gems (diamonds) and precious metals (gold), ores (iron), vehicles, mineral fuels including oil and coal briquettes.
  • Modern humans have lived at the southern tip of Africa for more than 100,000 years and their (our) ancestors for some 3.3 million years.
  • Suffered a sad, but all too common, European colonization history. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to explore SA in the mid-15th century but only established trading posts on the coast and never actually colonized the continent. Later, the Dutch colonized SA in 1652 at what is today Cape Town and subsequently gradually expanded their occupation and displacement of the first nation peoples. Later, beginning in 1795, the British invaded SA and forced the Dutch, known as the Boer, to colonize even further inland. Following the discovery of gold and diamonds in the late 19th century, the British defeated the Boers in a war to control most of the emerging country, and eventually in 1934 it became a sovereign nation state within the British Empire. Thankfully, the monarchy came to an end in 1961 and SA became the independent Republic of SA. Sadly, however, the white minority rule government was based on a policy of apartheid in which the first nation peoples had little human rights and no political power, until apartheid was finally abolished in 1994, at which time the country became a truly representative democratic republic.
  • On the positive side, did you know that SA is the largest producer of macadamia nuts in the world?
  • Currently, SA is the only country in the world that has voluntarily dismantled its nuclear arsenal – way to go SA!
  • Has the oldest wine industry outside of Europe and the Mediterranean – perhaps I’ll spend some more time in SA tasting the wines on my next trip!
  • Has ~9% of its total land area devoted to national parks, reserves and wildlife management areas – could do much better, I think!

OK, that’s it for my brief summary of some cool facts about South Africa, now let’s begin exploring this awesome country! But first, I still need you to meet my “green dragon” before I can actually start exploring – stay tuned.

Welcome to Africa

As my plane touches down in Cape Town, South Africa and stops at the gate, my excitement is stymied by the usual frenzied atmosphere in the plane. Departing a plane anywhere can be a lesson in humanity, but dearting a plance in Africa (or least parts of it) can be an experience to experience (if you haven’t already) not too uncommon in much of the less developed world. Here is what I expected based on previous arrivals to certain places in Africa – such as Ethiopia:

“Practically before the plane is even at the gate, there is a mad scramble for luggage and departure, with people jockeying for position with little regard for others. And while at first it may seem incredibly rude and insensitive, I get the sense that it is just the “way of life” in over-populated and under-developed countries – as I have witnessed this several times before in different places around the world. There doesn’t appear to be any ill-will towards others, it is just the commonly accepted way to behave in such places. My hypothesis is that people in these countries are simply so desperate to survive and improve their position in life that it comes at the cost of appearing to be totally selfish and inconsiderate. And while certainly many of these individuals are probably, in fact, selfish and inconsiderate (as they can be everywhere), I suspect that many are simply used to, or forced to, fight for every opportunity and for every scrap that opportunity puts before them. So who am I, brought up in a life of relative luxury and ease, to criticize these people for behaving this way. In such situations, it baffles me to see “westerners” from affluent countries getting frustrated and over-anxious, because it does absolutely no good to do so. I find that the best thing to do is just “go with it”. Patience and tolerance, I find, are the keys to maintaining ones sanity in such situations – not to mention the health benefits of not stressing out over a situation you simply cannot control. SO, if you are planning a trip to Africa, go mentally prepared for crazy, hectic, and crowded situations and stay calm – relax, your in Africa!”

Ok, that is what I expected based on past experiences and I was psychologically prepared to take a deep breath and remain calm and patient, but I have never flown into Cape Town, South Africa before. To my surprise and delight, the plane disembarkment was orderly and unfrenzied and there were no over-anxious people scrambling to get off the plane so as to be the first to get to Customs and Immigration. Moreover, the Cape Town airport was logically organized, exceptionally clean, wonderfally signed and surprisingly uncrowed. Indeed, arriving in Cape Town was a far better experience than arriving in most US international terminals. Getting through Customs and Immigration was a breeze as well and took maybe 15 minutes in a line. So, I’m off to a very good start!

As I departed the plane, all I could think of was “Africa”. For me, the very word Africa conjures up deep-rooted ancestral stirrings, buried deep in our human DNA, owing to our evolutionary origins. Africa – more specifically East Africa – is well-known to be the cradle of humanity, where our species first evolved from our primate ancestors. It’s hard to explain adequately, but for me, I get a strong sense of “returning home” every time I step foot on African soil, and it gives me great pleasure. Africa also stirs up wondrous images of unspoiled landscapes – albeit ever shrinking in extent – with vast herds of large animals roaming freely as mother nature intended, and where large predators can still be found in great numbers living in a landscape where predator-prey dynamics rule; in other words, where the natural “circle-of-life” is still operating unaffected by modern human interference. Africa also stirs in me a sense of urgency because of globalization and human-caused global environmental impacts such as rapid climate change that are increasingly threatening the natural world. I get the sense that the ideal African wildlife experience that I described above, and that I cherish so much, is rapidly diminishing and someday may only exist as a memory and in nature documentaries of the past. Hence, my African journey – to see and experience the wonders of Africa while it still exists – somehow feels urgent.

Enough philosophizing – a good night sleep and then off to meet my “green dragon”.

Africa 2023: Welcome Family and Friends

Welcome family and friends. Via this website and blog, join me and Nancy, and occasionally company, on an overland safari of sub-Saharan Africa, beginning in Capetown, South Africa in May 2023 and ending in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2023 for this first leg of a multi-year African overland journey. On this journey, I will share pictures, videos and personal observations of the landscapes, cultures and wildlife encountered along the way in the format of a travel blog – and I may even wax philosophical on occasion. My intent is to share with you a little of what I observe and learn about the landscapes, wildlife and people (so, it may have an educational tone at times – sorry), but also show you some of the everyday practical aspects of my overland travel (e.g., campsites, food, etc.) so that you can see what my life is like on this overland trip.  Feel free to comment and share your views on any of the postings via the comment link following each posting.

Because I will be in remote locations much of the time without Wi-Fi or Cellular service, don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear from me for several days – I haven’t been eaten by a lion (I hope), I am just on safari having a great time! It will likely be a few to several days between each posting, but I will do my best to keep you up to date on my travel.

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Visit the “Route” page on this website (see navigation link at the top of the page) to learn more about our 2023 route through the inland of east of south Africa. And visit the “Vehicle” page on this website to learn more about our overland vehicle – dubbed the “Green Dragon” – with a detailed description of its features and lots of pictures.