Africa 2023: Welcome Family and Friends

Welcome family and friends. Via this website and blog, join me and Nancy, and occasionally company, on an overland safari of sub-Saharan Africa, beginning in Capetown, South Africa in May 2023 and ending in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2023 for this first leg of a multi-year African overland journey. On this journey, I will share pictures, videos and personal observations of the landscapes, cultures and wildlife encountered along the way in the format of a travel blog – and I may even wax philosophical on occasion. My intent is to share with you a little of what I observe and learn about the landscapes, wildlife and people (so, it may have an educational tone at times – sorry), but also show you some of the everyday practical aspects of my overland travel (e.g., campsites, food, etc.) so that you can see what my life is like on this overland trip.  Feel free to comment and share your views on any of the postings via the comment link following each posting.

Because I will be in remote locations much of the time without Wi-Fi or Cellular service, don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear from me for several days – I haven’t been eaten by a lion (I hope), I am just on safari having a great time! It will likely be a few to several days between each posting, but I will do my best to keep you up to date on my travel.

If you are a new visitor to this travel blog and want to receive an email notification each time I upload a new post to this site, be sure to send me a request via the Contact page (see Menu), but be sure to confirm your identity and tell me why you want to subscribe to this blog in the Comments section or I may treat your request as spam. Once I accept your request, you will be in my subscriber list and automatically receive an email notification each time I upload a new post.

Visit the “Route” page on this website (see navigation link at the top of the page) to learn more about our 2023 route through the inland of east of south Africa. And visit the “Vehicle” page on this website to learn more about our overland vehicle – dubbed the “Green Dragon” – with a detailed description of its features and lots of pictures.

4 thoughts on “Africa 2023: Welcome Family and Friends”

  1. Love this Kevin. Can’t wait to start tracking your progress until we meet up with you and Nancy for 2+ weeks of safari together in Botswana and again in August and September in Kenya, our home. We are looking forward to sharing our love of Africa (people, ecosystems, parks and wildlife). Safari Njema! (Kiswahili for have a good safari).

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